
How do you do?

Lest you think I've been slacking off with blogging and my outfit photos...you are sort of right...hehe! These days, I'm just too tired after work to go online and post. Sometimes I conk out at 10pm and go straight to having weird undercover spy dreams.

Anyway, better that I move on introducing you to my new city rather than introducing you to my subconscious. So to the...er...2 readers of this blog, meet my city:

Meet the gorgeous Hyatt building at the Media Harbor / Mediahafen:

Meet a darling pub window at the Old City / Altstadt:

Meet my relatively new camel coat (I got a little crazy on this year's winter sales, oops):

Meet me (sans coat) inside the K21 Museum, where we can admire the space and fall in love with Klee and Miro together:

During the museum visit, my trusty iPhone will be our chaperone, where we can instantly google the backgrounds of the artists and their paintings:

However, I just shouldn't forget to charge my phone the night before:

Nevertheless, the city awaits!

So let's march on to our new adventures :)

Outfit photos are by the hubby! Taken with a mix of Canon G9 and the iPhone cam...I should remember to bring my SLR more often. New city, new things to discover!

camel coat - Mango; floral tunic - Zara; cords blazer (which I didn't like before but now totally adore) - Zara
pants - Zara; boots - Görtz17

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