Part of my internship entails flipping through Vogue and Elle magazines to look for trends, model looks and hairstyles. I love the color pops of spring/summer 2011, but knew I needed to tone it down a bit. Thus, this outfit was born.
When I had woken up this morning, one side of my hair was flipped out like a 60's-do. And I miss Mad Men terribly. (When is it coming back on air, anyway?!) Thus, this outfit was born.
Part of my internship entails naming hair shade colors when the Nile-River-minds of my bosses have run dry. So far, I had suggested "Amber Lava" and "Sun-kissed Bronze" for two shades in two different brands and have been accepted. I was gunning for third time's a charm with "Berry Violet", with a play on the words "berry" and "very"...but perhaps it's a rather Filipino phonetic inside joke. But I think the yummy color the name conjures had clung to my subconscious when I dressed this morning, and thus this outfit was born.
cardigan - H&M; turtleneck - Mango, gift from sis and mom from 3 years back;
skirt - thirfted in Munich; boots - Gortz17