Which website was I checking out? Summer Solstice, of course! Always looking forward to see what my sisters are wearing on the other side of the world :)

On my side, I braved the 13C weather of Berlin to wear this. When the climate turns colder, it's so easy to default to jeans and high boots, but not today -- when one's in Berlin, it's inspiring to put in some creative effort :) Blue toes? Numb legs?...ngiehh...collateral damage.

And today in Berlin, we discovered a little second-hand bookshop at Prinzlauer Berg named St. George that's packed from ceiling-to-floor, wall-to-wall with lovely, delicious books. I bought Ken Folliet's Pillars of the Earth at a steal--4 euros. When I went to the cash register for the store owner to ring it up, he told me I can return the book once I'm done reading, and he'll reimburse half of the price back. Sweet!

Another thing we took an iPhone photo of? My feather earrings which I got 50% off from Urban Outfitters when I was at Hamburg for a workshop. We have Urban Outfitters in Hamburg! Can you please come to Duesseldorf, Cologne or Berlin, too? While you're at it, please bring J Crew along!

Speaking of stores, a few weeks back we passed by an All Saints store in Berlin. I couldn't get it to check it out, because the hubby had a very firm grip on my hand and was literally pulling me away. He gives the term "fashion police" a whole new meaning. Fashion warden, perhaps? Bugger. Next time! Next trip, next outfit.
For now, I have to go a quick outfit switcheroo because we're off to the Fly Bermuda Techo Fest!
marled bands pullover - Anthropologie; shorts - H&M; booties - Zara; feather earrings - Urban Outfitters
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