My American classmates prepared a little BBQ in the field behind our school and marked the our picnic area with patriotic red, blue and white pinwheels. Grilled chicken, funeral potatoes (apparently a Mormon tradition--baked potatoes with cheese and cornflakes!), cake topped with strawberries and blueberries...yummm. To clear away the artery-clogging stuff, there was frisbee afterwards, although the girls chose to idle away the afternoon chatting under a tree whilst sipping sparkling white wine.

D and I decided to hang around after the party dispersed. An electronic band was playing across the river and the sound was mesmerizing. However, junebugs were a-plenty that day and were in attack/sting mode. So D and I snapped some shots in the twilight then packed up to head home.

tube top - Greenhills tiangge; harem pants - Promod;
necklace - gift from sisters; earrings - H&M; sporty sandals - Teva (D had forced me to cycle)
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