Might as well get it out: do you notice that the left lapel of my blazer is all tucked in and askew? Makes you want to reach into your computer screen, pluck out the shy yet offending lapel and pat it into place, no? Aargh, it's like an itch that wouldn't go away.
But perhaps distraction is our best solution at this point, so let me break down today's outfit into detailed sections.

I snagged the shirt up from Zara on final sale for 6 euros, en route to Spanish class. I swear the fantastical print sketch called out to me, "Hola!" And I was all, "Encantada! Muchos gusto!"
The blazer--even thought it was misbehaving that day--is my absolute favorite blazer (due to its casual boxiness and its smoking-jacket-type lapel which you ironically cannot distinguish right now). I already dread the day it might fall apart because of too much wear!

And how's this for distraction -- my awesome new neon blue pants?! I had first thought the blue looked kind of Mario Bros. cum high school janitor uniform. But it grew on me while I stood indecisive in front of the fitting room mirror, whilst the store attendant cheered me on to take the right action.
No worries -- I haven't since regretted buying the pants, as I desperately need a daring burst of color in this long-drawn dreary winter weather. (Plus, people at work adored it! :))
But you know what I regretted though? Not adjusting my blazer lapels before taking outfit photos. Distraction? Bah humbug!
shirt - Zara; blazer - Mango; pants - Ato Berlin; wedge boots - Goertz